Pastor Retreats--Helping one Pastor at a time re-connect with Jesus.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Monsoon Miracle

Mark said, "We do not often see miracles in the physical world, but I saw this with my own eyes."

Mark and D.J. Crossman were at the Broom Tree Retreat in July.  (2010)  They told us this powerful testimony and we wanted to share it with you:

"While on a mission trip to Brazil with Campus Crusade showing the "Jesus" film I saw God's power over nature.  After setting up all the expensive equipment in a field near a remote village, a fierce Amazon thunderstorm started bearing down on us.  The villagers ran to their homes.  We had no time to pack the equipment so just circled it and began praying.  The storm continued it's rapid path toward us but when it hit the edge of the field, it split and went around us.  At one point it was raining all around the field but we were dry.  The storm continued to move until it passes us and we watched it retreat.  Not one drop fell in the field where we were.  The villagers returned and many committed their lives to Christ after viewing the "Jesus" film!"

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