Pastor Retreats--Helping one Pastor at a time re-connect with Jesus.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Broom Tree Ministries 

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Star

The star of Bethlehem is only mentioned in Matthew and one could easily glide over that and yet the star has become a symbol of Christmas for many people.  We have a DVD in our Broom Tree Library about that star and it's importance.  It is worth a look.  The website for some of the data collected to make the movie is 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rest of the November Group

Back Row:  Armando & Odilia Padovan - Mississauga, Ontario,  Jeff & Gina Teeple - Marinette, Wisconsin,  Bill & Sara Pierce - New Palestine, Indiana
Front row:  Mike & Sara Pisney - Jackson, Michigan, Jerry & Margaret VanKuiken - Zeeland, Michigan, Daniel & Cathy Schutte - Grand Rapids, Michigan and inset photo - Dwayne & Rita Hanon, hosts from Delafield, WI

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

November Retreat

It has been a long time between posts.  No excuse

Here is part of the group from the November retreat at the Shack in Michigan.

Back row: Ken & Karen Kuiper - Dyer, Indiana, Dick and Vicki Bundesen, guest hosts -  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Kathleen & Mike Basner -  Saginaw, Michigan Don & Janet Cogar - Wabash, Indiana
Front row: Greg & Lorelei Carlson - Allegan, Michigan,  Jim & Sue Collison - Otsego, Michigan.

The other part of that retreat in 2 days.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pastors Like to Read

Even youth pastors with unlimited energy like this couple (who was also seen catching leaves as they fell from trees) like to stop and read.   That leaf catching contest is harder than you would guess -  I think he won.  At the Shack in Michigan there are 100 acres of woods, a small lake and plenty of room to just sit and think.  That, along with free banana splits each evening, seems to fit even the high action pastor couple.

Monday, October 25, 2010

More Family

The other half of the October retreat in Michigan with guest hosts; Brian & Mary Steinke in the middle.  These folks were from Indiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.  For some a very long journey but well worth the effort.  We experienced the peak of fall color with maples showing off their best.  We experienced God's presence which is the very best.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Family of God

The first group of pastor couples at the Shack Country Inn in Michigan at the
Broom Tree October retreat.  Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Tennessee and Wisconsin are represented in this photo.  It is a testimony to the difference Jesus makes when couples from varying states, denominations and ages can meet with such "Family" ties.  But then, we all have the same Father!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Potter and the Clay

When a potter's skilled hands shape a delicate lid like this photo, the clay is very soft and responds quickly to his gentle touch.   Scripture talks about the potter and the clay but when we hear it from the pulpit we don't get the same picture as watching how messy and dirty the potter gets as he molds his vessel into a beautiful, useful object.

Also watching the clay quickly comply to his hand is a picture of obedience worth noting.  Clay that is too hard often flies apart on the wheel or easily goes off center.
Clay that is too soft sags.

Another picture we need to imprint in our minds is a smile on the face of the potter as he admires his finished piece.  How God must beam as we obey.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Last Harvest

I’m not exactly sure when it all started - this crazy love affair I have with autumn.  But I think it may have had something to do with an old wooden wagon in a ripened Iowa cornfield.  It was really a bit of a ritual - a kind of coming to age for us guys.  You see, in our house, fourteen was the magic age.  That was the age when Dad would let us carry a gun on the annual pheasant hunt.  It was the time when we were allowed to skip school on the last Wednesday in September for the Farm Progress Show.  But the real sign of manhood at our place was when we got to officially participate in that hallowed Dutch tradition - coffee time.  Mom was able to hold us off the substance for fourteen years, but when that magic birthday came, we truly became “one of the guys”.  For the rest of the story click here.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Mike Fryatt and Mark Hammer won the crystal trophies for the 8th annual Broom Tree Golf Tournament held at Morningstar Golf Course in Waukesha, WI.  last Thursday September 16th.  They also won a dozen lobster tails!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Pictured front row: Tyler Morse, Mark Hammer, Pastor Walter Harvey & Dick Callan
Back row:  Joe Miller, Mike Fryatt, Matt Morse, Dwayne Hanon, Brian Steinke, Albert Washington, Scott Nelson and Ray Kuzniar.

These gentlemen braved the early fall Wisconsin weather with ominous clouds that threatened rain overhead to raise the needed funds for Broom Tree's scheduled retreats.  So many thanks to those who have faithfully supported Broom Tree.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Child Shall Lead

Eight years ago Mike Bales, pictured left with his wife Sue, was diagnosed with liver cancer.  It was a clinical, abrupt, meeting with several doctors who told him he had liver cancer, no cure and told him to go home and get his things in order.

Mike continued to preach although very weak at this point.  He chose to not tell his congregation the severity of his illness but just that he was sick.  One Sunday morning the worship leader in his church interrupted the order of service and asked the church to pray for Mike.    Many adults spontaneously gathered around him and prayed for healing.  When they were through a large group of children did what the adults had just done, they gathered around Mike and began to pray.  Mike said; "It was when the children started to pray that  I felt a warm sensation flow through my body and I just knew I was being healed."

The doctors called it a miracle when the second biopsy came back negative.  The doctors explained that if someone has had cancer there are markers that can be seen in a biopsy and there was not only no cancer but no markers as well.  Thank you Lord!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The only Fundraising event for 2010 is approaching September 16th at Morningstar Golf Course in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

If you would like to PLAY call 262-646-7774

If you would like to PRAY we would really appreciate that!

The Tournament has a Ryder Cup format which makes it a good team effort for every two man team.  Because player raise their own support for the event they actually play free.

There are two beautiful cut glass winning trophies for the winning two some, as well as great prizes for the second and third place teams.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Run the Race to Get the Prize!

You may wonder how Broom Tree ministries is connected to the Pewaukee Triathelon held this past July 11th.
Pictured on the left are James Boylan, Robert Hanon (Dwayne and Rita's grandson) Glenn Hanon (Their son) and Jake Andrus who all did a magnificent job of swimming, biking and running on that spectacular day.

Though we run the race to get the prize, just finishing well in one of these grueling events is quite a prize!!!

We are very proud of them.

To visit Glenn's blog press here.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Birthday Observation #3


Clever cake for the person who is a hunter or in the army.  Or if you want to hide someone's cake in the woods and not see it.   However, there is another observation we share with you.


As a church we may not be aware of this but when pastors come away from the fray long enough to observe themselves and their flock through God's eyes, they often can see and recognize the Enemy better, his strategy to render the church impotent with petty quarrels and discontent.

This is why we ask prayer partners to hold up each pastor couple in prayer while they are on retreat.  So they can return armed with whatever God gave them to FINISH STRONG, KEEP THE FAITH AND HELP HIS FLOCK GET HOME SAFELY BEFORE DARK.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Birthday Observation #2

Number 2 in our observations of who pastors are comes from listening to conversations around the dinner table during retreats.

Tuesday discussions over dinner are so wonderful because we hear how God has called each one into ministry and to Himself.

A man from the rural hills of Tennessee received his pastoral position because the people of his town recognized that he loved Jesus so they wanted him to teach them how to do the same.  Powerful.

A man looked out of his 10th story window over his city all morning.  He had a wonderful six figure salary with benefits and perks but this morning he couldn't do anything but weap for the lost in his city.  God was calling and he was finally ready to leave it all behind and follow Jesus - no turning back.

There is no other way to survive leading the church except if one is certain, beyond doubt, that the Maker of heaven and earth has called and will guide.

To be continued.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Broom Tree!!!

In August of 2002, Broom Tree began which means it is now 8 years old!
But prior to that Dwayne and Rita were in this same kind of ministry for 5 years.  This makes 13 years of experience in my humble calculation.

What have we learned in the past 13 years?

1.  PASTORS ARE UNIQUE.  We have met pastor couples from 93 denominations, 33 states, 4 Canadian provinces and 9 countries.
They are all colors, backgrounds, nationalities, creeds, ilks, and isms but all Christians!  And they get along!!! What a testimony.

The flocks they shepherd vary as much as the pastors.  Some folks want to learn and grow spiritually, some want everything to stay the same and some want to hear only what their itching ears demand and most churches have all three kinds.

But the best thing a pastor can do is preach the Word and love the people.  Sounds simple?  No Way.

To be continued.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Strategy of Retreat

Dwayne reconnected with Gary Muchka at a prayer meeting and as they were talking discovered that Gary had past experience and expertise in prevention of burnout techniques for business executives.   This perked Dwayne's interest as that is exactly what Broom Tree tries to do for pastors, to keep them strong and prevent burnout.  Gary explained that his research led him to recommend a week of renewal every 90 days.  
That is sort of what Jesus did too.  He took his disciples away to a quiet place about 4 times a year during his 3 year ministry.  

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Monsoon Miracle

Mark said, "We do not often see miracles in the physical world, but I saw this with my own eyes."

Mark and D.J. Crossman were at the Broom Tree Retreat in July.  (2010)  They told us this powerful testimony and we wanted to share it with you:

"While on a mission trip to Brazil with Campus Crusade showing the "Jesus" film I saw God's power over nature.  After setting up all the expensive equipment in a field near a remote village, a fierce Amazon thunderstorm started bearing down on us.  The villagers ran to their homes.  We had no time to pack the equipment so just circled it and began praying.  The storm continued it's rapid path toward us but when it hit the edge of the field, it split and went around us.  At one point it was raining all around the field but we were dry.  The storm continued to move until it passes us and we watched it retreat.  Not one drop fell in the field where we were.  The villagers returned and many committed their lives to Christ after viewing the "Jesus" film!"

Friday, July 30, 2010

A Good Team

Lee Heyward, (pictured left) had been a pastor for 25 years  and has a passion for teaching.   God has called him to become a teacher to pastors all over the world.  

He met Quique  at Trinity Seminary in 1985 and the friendship that was born became a team.  They have traveled to 7 countries on four continents together (Kenya, China, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, India, USA) training and resourcing pastors and Church leaders. Quique is a key voice in understanding the Latin American Church and cultural context.

If you want to learn more about Quique's ministry you can check out: QUIQUE  

If you want to learn more about Lee's ministry you can check out LEE

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hearing God's Voice

During the May retreat, Ron took off for a walk with God one day.  Back pack in place and with a brisk pace he set out to walk along the lake and listen.  He returned refreshed and spiritually full as this is the way Ron often can hear God's voice.

How do you hear God best?  Walking, sitting quietly in nature, watching the waves coming to shore or a staring at a fire in a fireplace?  Whatever it is you love doing best, invite Him to join you and as ask Him to speak to your heart.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Modern Day Prophets

When pastors arrive to a Broom Tree retreat they may not be quite as depressed as Elijah was but they also do not know how tired they really are.  After a few days of proper rest and food they begin to be able to see their lives better, be encouraged, not feel as alone and able to hear God's still small voice!

This is why we named our ministry Broom Tree!

Now if you read James 5:17; it says, "Elijah was a man just like us"
If a powerful prophet like Elijah needed God's rest after ministry success, why not pastors today?
To be continued. . . . .

Friday, July 16, 2010

God's Solution for Elijah

Scripture says, " At at once an angel touched him and said, "Get up and eat.   He looked around and there by his head was a cake of bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water.  He ate and drank and then lay down again."

So God restored Elijah by sending an angel with:
1. Touch
2. Food
3. Water
4. More sleep

If you continue reading in 1 Kings 19 you will see that when Elijah was properly fed and rested he gave him exercise, assurance that he was not alone, work to do, a successor for his ministry and then the gift of hearing God's still small voice.

To be continued. . . .

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Elijah under the Broom Tree

After Elijah ran into town, Jezebel, the Queen sent a message to Elijah.  She threatened his life and Elijah was afraid, went into the desert to hide under a broom tree.
He left his friends - Went on ahead one day's journey - Hid under a broom tree and wanted to die.

How could this happen?  How could he have been literally, figuratively and spiritually on a mountaintop with God and then sink to such a low?


A Christian Psycologist explained it this way;  "The adrenalin rush Elijah experienced on Mt. Carmel was followed by an equal and opposite low under the broom tree.  The mighty prophet Elijah was in clinical depression."  When people live on adrenalin they create their own depression.  for more information on this click HERE or Mayo Clinic

To be continued........

Monday, July 12, 2010

Elijah before the Broom Tree

You know the story - Elijah on Mount Carmel in 1 Kings:18.  What a mighty display of power defeating the prophets of Baal.   After they tried to have their god light the fire on the altar and failed, Elijah had water poured all over the altar soaking everything and then asked God to show His power.  Fire came down from heaven burning the offering, the altar and the rocks and the soil.

After this he prayed to break the 3 year drought and then outran the chariots to town.  What a monumental ministry day!  What a powerful, larger than life, prophet!

And then he hid under a broom tree.  To be continued.....

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Elijah seen in Denver

Broom Tree had the privilege of bringing their booth to  the 2010 General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church June 23-26.  The opening night members of Cherry Creek Church presented a stunning  performance of, Felix Mendelssohn's Elijah. (They even had a broom tree on stage!)   Cherry Creek is located in Englewood, a suburb of Denver, Colorado.

The Church hosted the conference, performed in the Elijah music and drama, and very warmly greeted everyone with gracious hospitality.

Our booth was well attended and we have already had pastors we met there call us and register for future retreats.

Many thanks to the EPC for the invitation and to Cherry Creek for your cheerful service!

More about Elijah and the broom tree in the following blogs . . . .

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


A friend of mine went to a vineyard for a special tour with the owner.  He took her through the rows of grapes and showed her how the vine dresser cares for the vines.  She was amazed at how few leaves were on each vine and yet they had beautiful bunches of grapes.  He explained that each vine produces fruit with only 4-6 leaves to collect the sun's rays.  Too many leaves makes sour grapes, but with few leaves the fruit is sweet and full.

Somewhere in that thought is a great sermon point.  When our lives are simpler we produce better fruit?   Perhaps.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tea Party Surprise

Received U Tube link that is a must to see!
Wonderful Ending!


Happy 4th of July everyone!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Peter Jorgensen and his wife Sandy serve in Mali, West Africa.  Peter is a Musicologist who can play almost any instrument so he brought this African Lute along to the April Retreat just because it helps him with his own daily devotions.  The lute has 20 strings and gourd body. The two wood handles provide stability as his thumb and other fingers pluck the strings, much like a harp is played.

But it was Peter's voice that brought the melody, the words and the worship.

So even if our voice sounds like a cinder under a door, it is music to God's ears as the words of the songs and hymns sing Scripture to our Lord and King.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Time is measured by hours, minutes and seconds all of our lives from our first breath until our death.  It rules and guides our days, it dictates our attention and controls our thinking.  We are trapped in time.

As early as 1200 Monasteries used mechanical clocks to chime the hours.  Why?  It signaled the monks to stop every hour to pray.  So next time you glance at your watch to see how you are racing through the day, remember to stop and pray to the One who created time.  

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It Must Be a Sign!

A pastor friend used this line under his own photo of the gigantic Shack Country Inn sign.  We thought it was so funny that we borrowed it.

The Shack is 1 hour north of Grand Rapids Michigan on a small lake and 100 acres of hardwood forest.  In October the maple trees are in full splendor.

It is because of the maple sugar harvest each spring that the Shack got it's name.  Maple sap is boiled down to make the delicious maple syrup for our pancakes.  It takes about 50 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Sabbath Rest.  When looking up information on this subject we found a website that may give pastors help on planning for their own sabbatical.  Press SABBATH to go there.  Every 7 years is the Biblical example for this type of restoration process.

For a MINI SABBATH REST check out Broom Tree Ministries.  This non structured type of retreat is as much for the pastors spouse as it is for the pastor.  We recommend that you go to one of the many places for a live giving retreat once a year in order to keep strong for the spiritual battle that rages around you!

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Prayer Cottage Lesson

Mark Gilmore and his four boys came to the prayer house for the day to prepare for the school year.

This is what Mark wrote:

I so much appreciated the opportunity the Prayer Shed afforded to have a quiet day with my four sons.  Our purpose was to pray and discuss each one's personal daily schedule as we approached a new school year.  The setting was perfect!  Thank you!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Smallest Prayer Cottage visitor

Chad and Amy Jacobson have used the Prayer Cottage for several years - before they were married - when they were first married and now are teaching their 6 month old daughter, Madeline how to have a prayer time.

(Actually Madeline just came as her parents traded duties of caring for her and using the Cottage.)

Parents who are home schooling their children have also used this spot to "....bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." Eph 6:4  What a great idea!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

If He can use us . . .

We were at an event where there were so many qualified people with lists of accomplishments that equipped them for what they were doing.  Our credentials sort of go like this . . close your eyes - what do you see - that is just like our credentials.  Rita:  Dental hygienist - mother - girl scout leader - secretary.  Dwayne:  High school biology teacher - father - salesman for a pharmaceutical company - real estate sales.

Somehow God saw fit to call us into this ministry and then began to teach us what that meant.  Basically, provide a place, pray and get out of the Holy Spirit's way.

We can do that.  The rest is His.

Friday, April 9, 2010

March 2010 Retreat

The March Retreat at the Shack Country Inn in Michigan enjoyed a burst of warm weather and wonderful time alone with God both outside and in.  Pastors came from the midwestern US and Canada to remind us all how sweet it is to be in a body of believers!  Harmony across denominations, countries and cultures because of Jesus!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Every April millions of tiny blue flowers erupt in the lawns, woodlands and along the streets painting everything a beautiful shade of blue.   Each small plant has only a few frail blooms but massed together they color the landscape.  Sorta like the church.
Happy Easter - we just had to share this!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

From Human Doings to Human Beings

Another photo of the cross at the lake in March.  This pastor couple is truly spending time at the foot of the cross.   The very best place to be.

They came from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada to spend strategic time away from "doing" and entered into "being".  We are human beings but so often are eager to do God's work and become human doings instead.

A great book to read on this subject of solitude is written by James Anderson and titled, "For God's Sake, Rest!"
Press Here  to look at it on the web.

James Anderson has a convicting way to remind us how to keep our Sabbath Holy!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Chapel

There is an open air chapel by the lake at the Shack Country Inn where we have gathered during our retreats for a variety of "events".  This photo was taken when one of the couples decided that they wanted to renew their wedding vows.  It was their 20th wedding anniversary and they were not believers when they were married.

The moment the other pastor guests got wind of this they sprung into action providing flowers, wedding cake, photographs that were stunning and a 'congregation' to witness this wonderful event.  One of the pastors did the recommitment vows and we all were stunned by the beauty of the place and the impromptu service.

It was a retreat that was memorable and still brings a smile to all of us who participated.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Dinner Table

One of the best parts of the retreat happens around the  table.  No wonder Jesus has a feast waiting for us in heaven!  Just having the luxury of time to sit and listen to each person's answer to a basic simple question about themselves and then having them all listen to your story is a gracious way to make an ordinary dinner extraordinary.   This is the fine art of dining even if we having picnic fare.

Friendships have been cemented around this basic need to slowly eat, listen, laugh and enjoy the company of strangers who are now counted as friends.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pulpit vs Office

Key and Kjung are church planters but this is only for the last 11 years.  Before that Key was a very successful businessman until, at the age of 52, he accepted his new role of 'Pastor" and planted a church.   It was a huge departure from all he had been trained for in the business world.  But with stalwart persistence, leaning on God, he persevered and another church has been born in their city.

These are his Key Comments
"There are some similarities between the business leadership and church leadership.  One thing for sure is that I could have been a lot better business man if I learned about the shepherding before I started my business.  Yes I cared for my people who worked for me, but it was always to the extent to make my business successful.  When the decision time came, the relationship lost to the profit.  I think you may be successful in business when you are truly successful in ministry, but not necessarily vice versa."

Thursday, February 25, 2010

No Regrets Conference

Broom Tree's booth at the No Regrets conference was a huge success.  During the sessions men would wander up to get some information for their pastors but at each break you could not see the booth for all the men.  Over 4,000 men attended at Elmbrook Church alone.   One man asked why he should give the "Ticket" for a free retreat to his pastor. I told him what the retreats were and he shot back, "Is it really free?"  When I assured him it was and that his pastor would not be asked to donate, he asked what his pastor would have to do while he was at the retreat.  I told him about the "non schedule" agenda at Broom Tree and that his pastor could have lots of time to reconnect with God and his wife.  He finally smiled and took the ticket and said, "Wonderful, I am the pastor!"   Smart man - find out the details first.  Go to our website  CLICK HERE to see for yourself!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Warning Light on the Dashboard

The warning light came on as we traveled about 75 miles an hour just south of Holland, Michigan.  We had just passed an exit where we could see the filling station logo fading in the rear view mirror.  So we stopped the car to check all the tires.  They looked fine - no hint of the impending disaster.  So we went on looking for another exit that had a filling station. 
The warning light was on steady by now.   The car accelerated at my urging and then, just as I was passing a semi with another semi close behind our van I heard the most frightening noise so began to slow down.  Somehow I was able to get the van safely over to the right shoulder.  There was nothing left of this tire.  

Sometimes I wonder if pastors can see their own warning lights when they are close to pushing their busy schedules beyond what Jesus expects of them.  Jesus took time away regularly, time to reconnect with His Father, time to rest and restore so that He could keep fresh and connected.  Jesus knows the limitations.  Heed your warning lights!!!

By the way, we did get it changed and bought two new tires right away!  

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Anonymous Message of Thanks

Dear Broom Tree Donor,

Your precious gift helped in the renewal of my spirit.  It has been a time when God has revealed to me that relationships are worth fighting for.
My relationship with Christ has been refreshed
My relationship with been rekindled
My passion for relationship as a pastor, with his flock, had been renewed.

I leave this retreat with a sense of the urgency to be a good steward of what God has given to me in these days.  I believe that your faith and trust in providing for this ministry to pastors will bring forth everlasting spiritual fruit.
A servant of the Lord.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Prayer Partner co-ordinator

Prayer partners are needed for each pastor that attend a Broom Tree Retreat and Cheri Nelson is the coordinator who makes sure that special prayers are transferred to the right prayer partner.  She also organizes the people who can pray for a pastor couple alternating retreats so that every one has the privilege to pray for a pastor.
Thank you Cheri!

Prayer is the foundation of this ministry.  If you would like to be a part of this team please contact Broom Tree Ministries at: 
Thank you!

Isn't it Time?

Sooooo, Pastor . . . Isn't it time for a Broom Tree Retreat?