Pastor Retreats--Helping one Pastor at a time re-connect with Jesus.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Dear Readers;

We have moved all of our updates to Broom Tree Ministries facebook.  Please contact us there.
Thank you!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


"Sainthood lies in the habit of referring the smallest actions to God."
C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


"Really great people make you feel that you too can become great."
     Mark Twain

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


"I have never seen a monument erected to a pessimist."

     Paul Harvey

Monday, October 3, 2011

Third Place

Both Mark Otten and Mike Andaloro have played in the Broom Tree Annual Golf Tournament before but this year they took third place winning golf green fees for a fore some with cart at Lawsonia Golf Course in Green Lake Wisconsin.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Second Place

Mike Sanfilippo and John Sesolak won second place at the Broom Tree Golf Tournament September 23, 2011.  They choose the tasty prize of cold water lobster tails.

The annual golf outing is the only fund raising event for Broom Tree and has always been a fun event that helps Broom Tree provide retreats for many pastor couples.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Winners of the Broom Tree Trophy were Kevin Monahan and Mike Malahy.  In addition to the cut glass crystal trophies they received dinner certificates for the Delafield Hotel.

14 men enjoyed a beautiful sunny day of golf Friday September 23 at Western Lakes Golf Course in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.  The course was in excellent condition as was the camaraderie.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

What Do They Want?

"I am having the depressing experience of reading congregational descriptions of what churches want in a pastor.  With hardly an exception they don't want pastors at all, they want managers of their 'religious company'.  They want a pastor they can follow so they won't have to bother with following Jesus anymore."  Eugene Peterson

Friday, August 26, 2011


This excerpt comes from Marva Dawn and Eugene Peterson's book, The Unnecessary Pastor:  "Long experience in this business [of being a pastor] makes us alert in detecting loopholes.  The loop hole, in this case, has to do with becoming so diligent in being a pastor, working for Jesus, that it crowds out the personal life of LIVING FOR JESUS.  The constant danger for those of us who enter the ranks of the ordained is that we take on a role, a professional religious role, that gradually obliterate the life of the soul."

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Author Unknown

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Science states that all things fall under these 5 principals:
Time   Force   Action   Space   Matter.

Genesis 1:1 says;
"In the beginning"  [Time]
"God"  [Force]
"created"   [Action]
"the heavens"  [Space]
"and the earth.  [Matter]

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the flower leaves on the heel of the one who crushed it."

Mark Twain

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Some times it is difficult for a pastor to see clearly where he needs to lead his flock.  Jesus is certainly always ready to show him the way, however, busy-ness can creep into even the most well intentioned life.  Pastors need to be available for their flock, especially in emergencies.  They often have amazing spiritual advances though the interruptions in their lives.  This is exciting and Kingdom building but, like Elijah, after the battle is won, soul weariness can overtake our human endurance and then the fog takes over.  Broom Tree's hope and prayer is that the time alone with Jesus will clear the fog so the pastor can see the light house once again.

Monday, July 25, 2011

34 States

 Pastors who have attended Broom Tree retreats have come from 34 states.
Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin.

Four Canadian Provinces have been represented and other countries include Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Greece, Mali, West Africa, New Zealand, North Viet Nam, Papua New Guinea and Paraguay.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

August Opening at the Shack!

We had a last minute cancellation for the August 21-26 Retreat at the Shack so now have room for a full time Christian pastor couple who has never attended a Broom Tree Retreat in the past.
Press Here to sign up for this opening!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


There are several openings at Fair Oaks in Lake Geneva Wisconsin,  Oct 30 - November 4, 2011.  Call today to enjoy a 5 day respite with your spouse and enjoy the extravagance of Wisconsin's fall color around pristine Lake Geneva.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Back to the Basics

Luke and Barbara Smith came to the retreat this past April fro, South Dakota.  This was a first for they had never experienced this type of retreat before.

Luke said;  "The Lord took me on a great journey that week that was so refreshing, enlightening and encouraging.  With no expectations, I was surprised as He took me back to who He is!  Also that much of the stress I was experiencing was theological and experiential deficiencies and forgetfulness.

It was a joy to be able to make that journey with my wife, without any pressure or expectation of pace or direction - just letting the Lord bring it to us as He wanted."

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Broom Tree invited to EPC Conference

Broom Tree Ministries has been invited to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church Assembly in Memphis Tennessee to share our Ministry to Pastors to the 974 people who will attend, most of whom are pastors or pastor's spouses.  This is the highest attendance for the denomination.  This is the second year we have had the privilege of attending and we look forward to reaching even more pastors to let them know the value of prevention and soul care our retreats provide.  Please pray for God's hand to be on us as we tell the Broom Tree story!  Thank you!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


SEPTEMBER 23, 2011

BROOM TREE Ministry's 



CALL 262-646-7774 TO SIGN UP

Friday, June 10, 2011

Prayer Partners for Broom Tree

This is a familiar old painting, an older gentleman praying.  Prayer is such an important part of Broom Tree Ministries, not only covering the pastor guests with prayer each retreat, but also praying for Broom Tree as it functions to facilitate retreats.

We need more Christians who can commit to praying for a
pastor couple during the 5 day retreat.  If you could do this, we would love to have you give us a call at 262-646-7774.

Thank You!

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Weight

Shawn Cossin was a State Trooper before God called him into full time Pastoral Ministry.  He said that when he was a trooper he wore 26 pounds of gear for protection and communication.  It was so good at the end of a shift to take off the gear.

"As a pastor I still have 'armor' and the weight of ministry but I am like many pastors, I don't take the time to take off the armor like I am able to do on retreat. "

Broom Tree retreats are a safe haven where pastors can hear God's voice and enjoy the Sabbath rest God provides during each retreat.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You Have to See This One!

The Flying Car that has been developed by Steve Saint is a concept that every one would love to have in stalled traffic.  But there is a whole lot more to this video than just a clever car.  Steve is trying to get it into production so that the cost per car can go down low enough to use the car on the mission field.  Click on the words, "Flying Car" to see the video!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Gathering Spots

At Oak Forest there are several beautiful fireplaces to gather around in comfortable chairs and chat at the end of the day.  No matter what the weather at this location the retreat space provides spaces to curl up and read or enjoy the great physical activity of a good hike.  If you would like to sign up for the August 14-19 retreat just go to the website at

Pete's Pond

This photo of Oak Forest Center really needs no explanation!   There are canoes and paddle boats to sneak up on wildlife.  Many hiking trails lead to discover more birds and wildlife in this pristine setting.  If you would like to sign up for the August 14-19 retreat go to our website at:

Friday, May 6, 2011

New Location photos

The Bedrooms are spacious with lovely views of the woods that surround Oak Forest Center.  The bedroom wing was built in 2007 so it is new, up to date and has a full bath with shower and multiple sinks in each room.  All of the bedrooms are attached to the main lodge and dining rooms.  Check our website at to sign up for the August 14-19 retreat.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Broom Tree Location

In the North West quadrant of Wisconsin just south of Frederic and north of Luck there is an outstanding facility on 80 acres of woods adjacent to Straight Lake State Park.  Broom Tree has chosen this lovely setting for the August 14-19 retreat this year.  It is only 70 miles from Minneapolis, MN and also very accessible to Winnipeg, Canada, Iowa and the Dakotas.  You can check out our website to sign up for this retreat at for more photos and information.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

On the Edge of the Storm

Here is a lone figure running from the storm into the sunset and clear skies.  Quite a picture of what many pastors do when they come to one of our retreats:

They often feel alone.  Being the leader, or the shepherd, can be a lonely position.  Staying out of the squabbles of the flock and remaining close to Jesus so that the pastor can remain objective as he leads = loneliness.

These troubled times bring many trials for the flock the pastor shepherds.  Listening to troubles and encouraging the weary can bring personal weary-ness.

A week of free retreat with the pastor's spouse is a respite where the 'clouds' are cleared away and a pastor and spouse can just be a couple again.  No expectations, no interruptions, no costs to worry about, just the freedom to BE.  After rest and personal revival the pastor can again hear God speak.  He can then receive God's encouragement.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter


Friday, March 25, 2011


A hawk flew over the back yard last fall and this squirrel ran between the bench and some posts for a very long time.  I looked at him through the binoculars and he was fuzzy because he was shaking. This sassy, confident, bird feeder thief met his match and did what any smart squirrel would do, he hid.

There is no profound message here.  Just wanted to share this photo.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Treasure in a Name

The excitement of hidden treasure, the map, the plans to find it delight any child and still remains intriguing to adults too.  We have a book in the room box called, "Hidden Treasures" by Chuck Missler.  One of the first 'treasures' it reveals is the salvation story of Jesus in the list of names in Genesis.

In Genesis there are 10 names listed between Adam & Noah.
Adam = Man
Seth = Appointed
Enosh = Mortal
Kenan = Sorrow
Mahalalel = The Blessed God
Jared = Shall come down
Enoch = Teaching
Methuselah = His death shall bring
Lamech = The despairing
Noah = Rest or comfort
Here is how it reads;  Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring (the) despairing rest."

Friday, March 18, 2011

Better Marriage

There is a DVD series that has been our most popular marriage study at the retreats.  It is called; "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" by Mark Gungor    Mark gets everyone laughing and then drives a sobering Biblical truth home in a way that hits the nail on the head for both sexes.

For those who would like great material without as many laughs we recommend; "Love & Respect".

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Balancing Act

In Andy Stanley's book, "Choosing to Cheat", he begins chapter 2 with these words;  "The collision between work and family is inevitable. And is it any wonder?  In our culture work and family make up the two most significant arenas of an individual's life."

How to keep the balance between these two is dealt with with the biblical perspective.  Great book.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Potter

Watching a potter is almost hypnotic.  The potter's thumbs plunge into a lump of clay and it opens up into a beautiful bowl.  The clay is supple in his hands and easy to be shaped into delicate forms.  When the clay gets too stiff it can fly apart or get off center and collapse.  When it is too wet it sags into a flat disc.

Great picture of how we are to respond to our God's pressure in forming us into what He wants us to be.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Lord, teach me to pray!

When you need refreshment in your prayer life, where do you go?  There is a book of prayer directions, praying scripture and guides to refresh your prayer life called;
"Prayer Portions" by Sylvia Gunter.

There is a comprehensive book (81/2 x 11 and 1"thick) and a Family Sampler Prayer Portion pamphlet size.  We really recommend the large one.

Prayer Hand

Monday, February 21, 2011

Swedish Proverb

There is an old Swedish proverb that says,

"God provides food for all the birds;
but He doesn't throw it in their nests."

Here-in lies a human problem that takes a lot of prayer.  When do we use our God given talents to accomplish a task and when do we rely totally on God to provide.

This blog does not have the answer - only poses the question.
If you have an idea, please respond.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Forgiveness is a difficult task at best.  We all have times we need to forgive others or long to be forgiven from another we have wronged.  Two books that deal with this tough subject are:
"A Tale of Three Kings", by Gene Edwards and
"The Bait of Satan", by John Bevere.

They both deal with the responsibility we have, as Christians, to forgive but from very different stances.  Both leave the reader with the clear message that forgiving another is not an option, but a command from scripture.

Being forgiven is another issue.  We can go to another and ask them to forgive us but may never see that forgiveness materialize.  I can read lots of books on that subject but I find that running to the Psalms brings me the most peace.

Friday, February 11, 2011

February Retreat

Broom Tree's February Retreat at the Shack Country Inn in Michigan brought folks from Ontario, Ohio and Michigan.
Henry & Marnie Kranenburg, Tadd & Lindsey Sponseller, Tim & Betsy French, Ray & Grace Brandon, Wayne & Amy Otto, and Joe & Kerri Kilcoyne.

Lots of snow but cozy rooms with hot tubs and fireplaces help!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It runs our lives, traps us into living by the clock.   Our phones, calendars and daytimers are divided into parts of each hour so we can make it to our next appointment on TIME!

The beauty of retreat is that TIME stands still for awhile.
Now what?

How can that be productive?

Spending time with our Lord - now that is using time wisely but how to listen to Him is the challenge.
That often takes TIME!
If you knew that you could be certain that you could hear from God about what you needed to do about a question in your life - would you take the TIME to ask and then take the TIME to listen?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Prayer in a snow drift

The fire can be roaring inside while the snow piles around outside. What a cozy place to dwell with the Lord.  I love that word, dwell or abide which brings a picture to mind of spending time with Jesus, enjoying each other's company and drinking in the favor of it.
Psalm 91 says, "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

In Peggy Joyce Ruth's book she states; "Man has no innate, built-in shelter.  Alone, he stands unprotected against the elements and must run to God.  Indeed, in the very first verse of Psalm 91, God offers us even more than simple protection.  He rolls out the hospitality mat and personally invites us in."

Here is a place you can be invited to come and read the rest of God's promises to you.  Call 262-646-7774 to reserve your time in the Prayer Cottage in Delafield, WI.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No Regrets Conference

Broom Tree goes to Elmbrook and Westbrook Churches with information for pastors and men who would love to give their pastors our brochures.  This will be our 10th year to bring Broom Tree's booth to No Regrets and the booth has changed every year.

A short presentation of what is provided at the retreat with pictures of the Michigan and Wisconsin facilities helps give the passerby a glimpse of Broom Tree between sessions.

If you are attending No Regrets; please stop by the booth and say hello!

Charles Spurgeon on Prayer

"It is good that we are commanded to pray or else in times of heaviness we might give it up.  If God commands me, unfit as I may be, I will creep to the footstool of grace; and since He says, 'Pray without ceasing.' though my words fail me and my heart itself will wander, yet I will still stammer out the wishes of my hungering soul and say, 'O God, at least teach me to pray and help me to prevail with You."

Friday, January 28, 2011

Psalm 91


We discovered this little book written by Peggy Joyce Ruth and have been sharing it with everyone we meet.  It powerfully explains this psalm and the myriad of promises from God for protection in every form of evil that besets us while we live on this side of heaven.  It is free and you must promise not to resell it or use it for any personal gain.  The website is

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Winter Comfort

The Shack Country Inn (Michigan) where Broom Tree holds it's retreats, has fireplaces in all our guest rooms.  A great place to read on a rainy or snowy day.
Each pastor couple receives a box of 21 carefully selected books to read, as well as access to a DVD/VCR tape library and general library of 150 other books.

Each room is also equipped with VCR/DVD player .  Ahhhhh!